if you are doing electronics i suggest you do some computer languages like vb.net or some latest on the trend electronics engg. are 80 percent computer engg...so that is how electronics engineer tend to be computer and electronics engineer..........at the same time
start off with basic courses such as microelectronics circuits n digital stuff.later if u wanna pursue a job in the field just study vlsi n languages such as vhdl
To be honest, if you're looking for a job in the USA, an english course would be more beneficial. All the knowledge in the world is nothing if you can't communicate it.
Analog and digital IC design
both are beneficial
and the advice for the english course is great too (if you have enough time)
but already reading alot and watching movies can do the task for ya
To be honest, your best bet is to take a course in English. I'm not joking around, but for foreigners, those with ESOL, it should be their first priority.