Which DC Brushed Motor Should I use for this project

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Oct 22, 2022
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Hi, I am trying to build a washing machine that can turn clothes in a large 55-gallon bucket with an RPM speed of 60rpm. I need this motor to be not too heavy, I was thinking of using gears to increase its power. Does anyone know what motor I should use for such a project? and where I can find it? if you are able to provide a link that would be great, Thank you!
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the only specifiaction we have is 60 RPM.

This is not enough information to decide which motor to choose.
You at least need torque or power, voltage, commutation/driving method and so on

Where to find it. In times of internet I´d so an internet search for motor manufacturers, market places, distributors..
Don´t know where you live and whether it´s a one piece hobby project or a high volume project.

BTW: a gear does not increase power, it increases torque.
It´s important to to use correct terminiology else your math can´t work.


(please disregard the brushed motor part and the weight it should be, it can be any type of motor, I'm new to electronics.)
Hi KlausST. I live in the USA, and this would be a high-volume project. I was trying to create an attachable/collapsable washing machine head that can be attached to buckets from 1qourt, to now 30 gallons and not 55gallons as stated earlier. I guess the only way for me to determine how much torque and voltage I would need is to buy these buckets and fill them with water and clothes and buy a bunch of motors? do you think if I bought a 33-gallon bucket and made a crude jig using a pull scale I could determine torque by how much resistance is on the scale? Thank you.
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Regarding voltage: What is your electrical power source? Mains? Battery? DC, AC, frequency?

this is a valid way to go.
But I´m an electrician. I´d use an electrical power meter on a motor that has (a little) more torque then you expect to.
For constant input voltage you may also use an ampere meter.

How do you want to control the motor? ON/OFF, or speed control, or torque control? One direction or both?


Hi KlausST. The power source would be a wall outlet in the USA. The speed will be controlled by a knob on the front of the product, the on off switch will be controlled by an on/off switch on the product, the torque will be controlled by a knob on the product, and the motor would spin in one direction at about 60 rpm and abruptly stop after 10 seconds and reverse directions. The length of the cycle will be controlled by a knob. Thank you.


The power source would be a wall outlet in the USA
No volt, ampere, frequency?

I guess is is not DC, so you somehow need
* either a standard AC/DC power supply and a motor controller
* or a dedicated AC_IN Motor_out controller. Isolated or not.
Do you have an idea yet how to control the motor?

Instaed of looking for a (cheap) power supply then fit the motor to it
you also could do a search for cheap standard motors .. and fit the controller to it.
What is your choice?


Home washing machines are using AC motors with inverter drive since at least 30 years. I'd use a small industrial single phase supplied inverter for the test setup, it can even measure torque and power consumption and help to evaluate the requirements of your final design.

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