Which company makes the cleanest/quietest SMPS units?

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Newbie level 1
May 21, 2011
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Hello all,

Nice to be here. I'm wondering if you can aid me with some suggestions.

I enjoy linear power supplies, and from the perspective of conducted noise have always favored them, and shunned SMPS, but recently I've been experimenting with a cheap-o laptop SMPS I have, and found that by shielding it with foil and wrapping the DC output cable through some large ferrite toroids, I've managed to reduce the radiated and conducted RF considerably; next I'd like to test some general and medium performance DC powerline filters on the SMPS output to see how much more they reduce conducted RF, using an AM receiver as a basic test.

This is all very interesting to have by chance found an SMPS that started off with lower audible noise than most, and to have gotten it to a level of conducted noise (within the audible AM spectrum, and possibly above) that is close to what I've heard from some linear supplies.

However, I'm wondering if you all could suggest, from experience, or based on reputation, some manufacturers of really-low-noise SMPS units; I'm convinced that a well designed SMPS combined with appropriate filtering and shielding can be very clean as far as both radiated and conducted noise are concerned, and I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Looking forward to your replies!

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