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Which are the best 16-bit MCUs?

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Apr 20, 2002
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Hi guys,

We are looking for :
- a 16-bit MCU;
- support USB2.0, SOC or PSoC embedded, or some other advanced features added are preferred.

And pls recomemded the corresponding IDE or complier.

Comparison, discussion between MCUs are welcomed!!!!!!

BR :wink:


Just one question to you ....

Why 16 bits ... it seems that this days 16 bits sound likes 13,15,,21 ...bits

i mean nothing really particuliarly important. that you can't get with either 8 or 32 bits...........

there are several threads about this topics in this board. search for "16-bit mcu".

currently i'm using 8-bit MCU, and i found it not fast and powerful enough.

so i'm looking for an MCU higher than 8-bit....

I use the TI MSP430

I't very good controller (not processor) easy to use if you start with a demo board

I also use the IAR C compiler for the MSP430 - not the best there is but a good one

Very good support from TI also with samples and have a JTAG debug port

and a low cost debug tool chian



I will sugest to change your 8 bits to MORE POWERFULL 8 BITS ..
look at

I have used the MSP430 . and is a16 bit familiy .But the only reason to use it to replace a 8 bits is if you have a very,very low power application.
Otherwise the code is not very efficient!

Cygnal cpu's run at 50,100 Mhz and have RISC architecture ..!

500MHz that fast? cool, any built-in functions?

cygnal is good but have some limition :

1. some expencive
2. old core 8051 core is slow with over 256 byte data memory
3. limit stack syack only grow in lower 256 byte data,idata is danger for large project

i think for medium AVR
and for Maximum ARM7 ....

I also recommend the MSP430.
The price vs. preformance is unbeatable.

The 16 bit controllers do much more per cycle, compared to the 8 bit.
They also consume less program memory, hence enabling bigger software on the same memory size.

The MSP430 family is well designed, and v-e-r-y easy to use.

The MSP430 price-performance ratio can be harnessed for big applications too.

I've built a system using multi processing, based on dozens of low cost MSP430 controllers.
Each controller done several tasks, and the sum of all was very powerful and low price.
The system was easy to develop using jtag and flash memory.

At the end it was fast to develop, powerful and low price system.

Can't say that on many of the processors based systems I've known so far.

i am using sab 167 from infinion(semense)
it is a nice MCU with good and useful instruction set.

By the way, can u guys suggest me an emulator and chip burnner?

When it comes to MSP430, it has also some disadvantages. I deal with it profesionally.
Because it is designed for battery powered systems it's sensitive to electrical and electromagnetic disturbances. The clock circuit inside the MSP430 is a bit obscure and needs careful settings before program starts to run. When designing PCB care must be taken on placing copper tracks around crystal and its associated componets. According to me the watchdog is not designed properly as it is possible to disable it by software. It sometimes may happen if there are errors in software thus causing the whole system to stop working. The MSP430 is generally recommended to use in battery powered systems. It is better to avoid using it in such devices as power supplies, industrial controllers etc.

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