which antenna and what frequency

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Full Member level 2
May 20, 2006
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Rawalpindi - Pakistan
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my project uses an antena with a range of 10-50 m , and frequency usable on a small pcb , please suggest ,

i suggest you to use your pcb as the antenna....may eliminate the antenna from your design...

maybe this'll help u to get started..

maybe u can ask this people for designing antenna on rthe PCB...He is doing his PHD project right now about antenna in PCB..HE is a lecturer in University of Technology Malaysia...He's contact is

Dr. Ahmad Kamal
University Teknology Malaysia
+60 137484664

thanks all of you but I am still not clear, what antenna I should use, remember my project is of digital communications, in a range of at most 100 m, i want to use bpsk to minimize errors and csma cd in mac. but how the hell am I going to transmit the signal, the waveform ...

What antenna you will use has nothing to do with type of modulation, but it has everything to do with:

1. Frequency used and
2. Distance needed

And of course, you are going to transmit the signal using a transmitter, which exact type, again, depends on above mentioned 1. and 2.

For these frequency, you can't use the PCB as antenna.
The easier way would be to have a wire with a length of L/4.
You can reduce the length but in this case you have to add a self in serial with your antenna.
- Even if I'm not agree with then, you can have a look on EH antenna. They are a lot of design on the net. It a short antenna with an appropriate coil.
- The frequency is low, you can also use a simple coil, have a look on internet.


Unfortunately the antenna has to do with type of modulation. Some modulations need a largest bandwith than other. A PCB antenna as small is as difficult will be to increase the bandwith and keep the gain large. BPSK will be ok with any antenna, but other modulations like 256QAM not.

what about increase the thickness to increase bandwidth?

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