Whether LAN is half Duplex or Full Duplex?

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Jan 18, 2007
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hi friends,

I have one doubt whether LAN is half duplex or Full Duplex?How?

How the source knows that the collisions happended in the network in both wireless and wired environments?

Thanks in advance,

For a Lan to be duplex (2x100M) you need two collision enviroment aka two seperate tx cable pairs

LAN may be half or full duplex, depends on your cabling. But recent networking normally support full duplex.
There is an acknowledgment or response sent by remote process to the source that the data has been arrived, if not arrive then sender may think that there is a collision,
or time out is also a sign of collision.

you can go through these books,

* Data communication & networking(4th edition) By Behrouz A. Forouzan.
* Computer Networking: A top-down approach featuring the internet by James F. Kurose & Keith W. Ross, Addison Wesley
* Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
* Computer networks: A systems Approach by Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 1-55860-832-x
* Hands on Networking Essentials by Elliotte R.Harold

LANs support both Half Duplex and Full duplex and it depends on the devices working on the network, you can find more information on this topic in the CCNA INTRO Self study guide from cisco press.
collision is dected in wired ethernet by CSMA/CD ( carrier sense Multiple accsess/collision Detection) techniques which you can search and find about that technique.
in wireless the collision is just in RTS and CTS packet due to the accessing of Media but when the data flow begins it never collide with other terminals for the sake of CSMA/CA ( CSMA/collision avoidance) technique.

Also remeber typical eternet lan uses only two of the 4 pair right now. one tx and one recieve. 10gig complicance suggest the will use all 4 pairs soon, 2 trans, 2 recieve, so this would be a full duplexong system.

LAn may be half r full duplex depending on the system connected , to it....

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