Where to get tools and tutorials for SystemVerilog ?

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Dec 18, 2002
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i ve been reading some articles about systemverilog, they r saying that it is the future ,and that "vhdl is dead"???
im starting to learn VHDL , so what should i stop and turn to Verilog.
and does any body knows where to get tools and tutorials for SystemVerilog,or there is not any yet???


Magellan is part of the Synopsys' Discovery Verification Platform.
Magellan is built to support the SystemVerilog language.

Synopsys said....
1. VCS already supports SystemVerilog 3.0 on a controlled-availability
basis, with general availability in the fourth quarter.
2. Design Compiler will support SystemVerilog 3.0 for beta customers
starting this quarter.
3. Formality will follow in the first quarter of 2004.
4. VCS and Vera will support SystemVerilog 3.1
starting in the first half of next year.

See the topic:
For SystemVerilog 3.0 standard .pdf file

mainly in the defense secteor previously VHDL wad used. it wsa developed after going through some processes from adda and other languages like taht, but for the market people it was difficult for them to use VHDL, becaz of the syntax u have to define almost everything, but it (VHDL) gives a better control. but the question is do u really need that much control? i have working experience in verilog. i will suggest taht u go through verilog, its very easy, then also consider VHDL becaz a hardware programmer should know or have soime idea of these if possible but he/she should also be master in programingof one. and verilog is easy. also u can fine VHDL to verilog converters. this is a simple book u can find more books on elektroda.
if need further help or material then do let me know


  • verilog_golden_reference_guide_937.pdf
    270.4 KB · Views: 134

mainly in the defense secteor previously VHDL wad used. it wsa developed after going through some processes from adda and other languages like taht, but for the market people it was difficult for them to use VHDL, becaz of the syntax u have to define almost everything, but it (VHDL) gives a better control. but the question is do u really need that much control? i have working experience in verilog. i will suggest taht u go through verilog, its very easy, then also consider VHDL becaz a hardware programmer should know or have soime idea of these if possible but he/she should also be master in programingof one. and verilog is easy. also u can fine VHDL to verilog converters. this is a simple book u can find more books on elektroda.
if need further help or material or difficulty in understanding this then do let me know i have some more material

SystemVerilog Documentation


This link is for SystemVerilog documentation...

You can visit the www.eda.org site and check alll tehnical committes working on the SystemVerilog within Accellera.. You can have the chance also to subscibe to thier mailing reflectors...
I need to learn SystemVerilog like you and I hope that i could find a tutorial or whatever for it....also it seems that our VHDL will be so suitable just for the FPGA field .. BUt for Asics all say that the future if for SystemVerilog. I hope that we could keep the pace with the technology racing.....
Best Regards,

Mohamed Salem

The next version--SystemVerilog3.1--will be launched in June this year.

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