Where to find the EM parameter??(permitivity,permeability...

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Aug 21, 2007
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Hi ! Could you tell me where to find the EM parameter ??(permitivity,permeability,conductivity,delectric constant...,etc)
In fact , I wanna use HFSS to simulate SRRs in high freq , but I don't know how to set freq dependency with "Loss Model Input" . It needs material's conductivity and relative permitivity at two differnet freq.
So , what's your suggestion ???

or you could get me a example

HFSS have the default parameter of many materials , but it's only accepted in low freq (f<10GHZ) . I need the parameters varied depending on freq . HFSS use the debye's model to fit them .
ε r = ε r1 + (ε r2 - ε r1)/(1+(ωτ)²)

where I need to enter the parameters below into HFSS's "Loss Model Input" model .
ε r1 : relative permetivity at high freq
ε r2 : relative permetivity at low freq
σ1 : conductivity at high freq
σ2 : conductivity at low freq

So I really need the data .
Could you tell me where to find them ?????
ex: book?? database??

Re: Where to find the EM parameter??(permitivity,permeabilit

I assume you are trying to model metals; is this correct? I am surprised HFSS does not have a materials database.

Here is an internet link to a great resource that gives n & k for many different materials. I really wish they would provide the raw data:


There is also a paper that I make good use of that lists Lorentz-Drude parameters for many different types of metals. This is:

A. D. Rakic, A. B. Djurisic, J. M. Elazar, M. L. Majewski, "Optical properties of metallic films for vertical-cavity optoelectronic devices," Applied Optics, Vol. 37, No. 22, p5271-5283, 1998.

Sorry if these references are too optics related. You may be working at microwave frequencies. Let me know if this helps.



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