If you want to make your own you need to use a boost regulator with external transistor, that way you can have any output voltage you like. LM3478 is one I have used. Usually I would linearly regulate after the boost regulator and that is where it is usually convenient to add the temperature compensation which is usually required.
I also get a question about how do you protect yourself with this high voltage. I want the this board daily use. But this 100+ voltage is dangerous, am I right?
Should I just put a box to cover the whole board and shield the high voltage from the human beings? what is your solution?
actually the the 100+ voltages are dangerous if they can pass a high current through your body.
This cct generates 160 V when APD_SW is enabled, otherwise it generates a voltage around 60 V what I can remember.
I've touched the board by mistakes many times even when 160 V pulse is generating (in my software it is kept @160 V for few micro sec.).
So far nothing dangerous happened with that power supply. LOL....
BTW, it's always good to be careful when handling high voltages...
yes, you should cover the circuit, it protects humans as well as your circuit...