RFC for 10GHz
opps, i would like to emphasize something:
1) the paper recommend to use lumped element to replace radial stub as the dimension of a radial stub is quite large at S/C-band, which is true.
2) However, as your design frequency is higher (at 10 GHz in your case), it is better to use radial stub. It is hard to include all the parasitic effect of lumped component at 10 GHz in simulation (if you still prefer lumped element, use ATC capacitor as the manufacturer provide all S-parameters of the capacitor).
- I designed 4W power amaplfier at S-band using lumped element in my bias network (as explained in the paper) and 12W x-band Power amplifier using radial stub. Prior to active device assembly, i evaluated the PCB board first. The wonderful thing about the radial stub at high frequency (x-band) is the through 50 ohm line (13mm) with bias network incorporated is relatively low. The measured insertion loss of the 13mm line with bias network is just -0.35dB at 8.3GHz (including the connectors losses), amazing right?