I am near retirement at my job where I have been working for 25 years doing software engineering. I want to get back to my first love which is electronics and I figure that I will join my profession to my first love so, I have opted to get into micro controllers.
The formal education I got before I got into doing the bachelors for computer was electronics engineering technology. I just want to marry the two in my old age.
There are so many micro controllers to choose from or actually disciplines. I see basic stamp, PIC Arduino ...etc. From what I have read, Arduino as well as basic stamp is sort of a development platform to design and build circuits that get powered by a micro controller. Plus, the cost to purchase just a basic stamp is sort of steep as compared to a PIC.
So, by my way of thinking, PIC is the way to go as far as a good place to start and learn about.
From the training I had back in the day as my final design project was a Z80 microprocessor system that did some A to D to control temperature and display the results...etc. I do have the knowledge to work on the hardware side.
Pic appears to be very similar to what I did back in the day except back in the day, I had to program the PROMs using assembler where today using a PIC, one has a higher level language such as C or C++.
Can anyone give me any ideas or tell me if I am wrong in my way of thinking? Can any recommendations be made?