Where can I get Arduino Shield ?

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Apr 1, 2013
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I need a Mega 2560 shield for 3.2" TFT display with touch screen and also for XBee. My system collects data received through XBee and displays it on TFT. I have seen shields for XBee and TFT but cannot use both at the same time.

I don't even know what XBee is but is the shield necessary?
You might be able to use a Mega protoshield with the LCD shield stacked on top, then you have to find some way of using the XBee through the proto board. The LCD shield and the XBee shield seams to use the same pins partly, whats the XBee shield for?

XBee is Zigbee wireless modules. I have two Arduino Nano's which are interfaced with some sensors and also XBee using ITEAD Nano XBee NRF Shields. They are transmitter boards and send sensor datas to receiver board. The receiver board is a Mega 2560 with 3.2" TFT+Touch Screen and I also need to put a XBee to Mega 2560 board. I have a UNO R3 and Mega 2560 Compatible XBee shield from rhydolabz.com but when it is interfaced to Mega 2560 the back pins which are extra compared to UNO R3 does not come up as the Shield is small and hence TFT shiled can't be stacked on XBee Shield. Another reason is XBee Antenna comes in the way even if I try to stack TFT shield over XBee Shield.

In pictures of the receiver its looks like the antenna can used laying down over the board, if so you could re-solder the TFT shield to add longer headers or pins. Besides that I guess you'll have to use the XBee not mounted to the arduino but connected with cables. Or make your own shield incorporating the functions of both shields, its much work though.
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