Where are holes in Pads PCB 4.0?

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Full Member level 6
Nov 18, 2001
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I draw my pcb's in Pads PowerPcb 4.0 and print them.But i can't have holes in this software.I can't print holes.Do you know how?


If you mean drilled holes for mechanical mounting etc, it is simple: You create a component with associated decal. That one has one pin, and the drill size is the hole diameter. You also should check off the "plated" box, usually those holes are non-plated.

The pad stack can (and mostly is preferred to) be of zero diameter on the outer surfaces -- or if you want the place to be visible for manual drilling on the copper, set the pad stack to be a small annular ring. That ring is OK for kitchen-sink production only -- professional PCB producers do not like such aiming-rings, and they get all required coordinates from the drill file anyway.

For "CAM Planes" on a multilayer board one should have a big enough round pad. It is for generating the required "antipad" to prevent copper to touch the hole.

The rest is easy, just place the fixing-hole components in right places on your layout, using for example the ECO function.

I hope this helps.


Hello Analyzer,

in your query u mentioned that u cant see(print) holes in your software.

if you are trying to take out the GERBER files form your design then i think you have must have forgotten to include the proper option for holes while making documents in CAM.

go to


select the layer for which u r taking output.....
click EDIT,then Layers....

choose the required fields which you would like to see in your print.....

save the document and RUN the output file.

now if you have choosen right options then u will be able to see what u want.....

but if its the driil hole decal, which you have not included in ur design....the the above response of TED is fine....

please let me know if i have wrongly interpreted your querry.....

Best regards.....

the best way is to make assign one more layer with drill size same and have and add pad size as per ur drill size or if u want a center point make a pad of 25 mill, name this layer as padmaster when u run the output, them using corel superimpose both the layers in the reverse manner so u can get holes in the pades as u define in that layer

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