When and why are gated clocks used?

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Full Member level 2
Apr 26, 2007
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Der dudes,

I am in small confusion, i know about gated clocks

if its used power dissipation will be less, but

glicth , timing issues, slew, are some of diffculties.

But so far i know gated clock must be avoided

So my confusion do we use Gated clock or not.?


Re: About Gated clocks

clock gating is being used nowadays... due to various advancements....

for clear idea on the problems involved check out

About Gated clocks

Gated clocks are used under some constraints .. usually circuits used for that are technology dependant and can be infered during synthesis if your RTL was originally coded in a specific style/way in order to do that ..

About Gated clocks

in low power design we use clock gating. so where power dessipation an important perfomance aspect. we use clock gating

Re: About Gated clocks

we will be using special lib cells for clock gating cell with this their is no problem in glitches etc

About Gated clocks

The question is if You have to use it or not. Generally clock gating is not always simple and may couze problems like one You described. But in moder circuits power comsumption is very important not only in battery using things but in microprocesors also. So better get used to clock gating and other poser saving techniques like changes Vt or sleep modes.

Re: About Gated clocks

Gated clock is useful not only for reducing power consumption.
The digital blocks with gated clock generate much less switching noise.
If your application used high resolution ADC you should care about that also.

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