What is the difference between hilbert space and a pre hilbert space.What do we mean by "if the series are all convergent" then a hilbert and a pre hilbert space are same???? any clue
A Hilbert Space is a complete preHilbert
space. That is, ||v||= (v, v)½ . Not hard to prove, I omit it.
Any pre-Hilbert space that is complete is called a Hilbert space H . Complete means
that for any Cauchy sequence xn that belongs to H there exists a vector x belongs H such that xn tends to x in H,
||x - xn|| = 0 as n tends to infinity.\]
I think you're right about the definition of completeness. But what you wrote at last is just the mathematical description of convergence of Couchy sequence. The mathematical words on completeness should be,
[Any Couchy sequence Xn in space H, for some N, n>N, |Xn-X|-->0, X \[\in\] H].