what's the difference between "DIFF" and "NIM

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Newbie level 2
Jun 25, 2008
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Re: what's the difference between "DIFF" and &quot

"DIFF" defines the active region, in th fabrication, which material does it diffuse? or nothing to do.
The iorn implant is defined by the "NIMP" or "PIMP" , whose area is bigger than the "DIFF" defined. The question is :what's the resoult of the area whic inside the "NIMP" or "PIMP" but outside the "DIFF"?

Added after 29 minutes:

I think, "DIFF" define the area of active region that is the region needed implant with n+ or P+ iorn according the nmos or pmos, while the "NIMP" or "PIMP" defince the area to implant which of course should be larger than the area of "NDIFF". is it right?

Re: what's the difference between "DIFF" and &quot

DIFF defines areas of silicon into which various dopants will be diffused in order to build up the MOS or BiPolar or whatever. Areas that are not DIFF are isolation areas usually a thick oxide insulator. These are typically 0.25um deep for 0.13um to 0.40um deep for a high voltage BCD process. any dopant that gets into the insulating layer will be electrically inactive and thus irrelevant. Only doping that goes into the DIFF will become usable.
The reason NIMP and PIMP is larger that DIFF is to allow mis-registration between these implant layers and DIFF. Under no circumstances must any area of DIFF that is to get doping, not get it because the IMP mask is misaligned to DIFF. By oversizing these masks relative to DIFF, this source of error is eliminated.

Re: what's the difference between "DIFF" and &quot

thanks for your reply. I think I get it.

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