What's best for the clocked process sensitivity list

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you have to include asynchronous reset in senstivity list but not synchronous reset.

Generally you will add the signals which are asynchronous to the clock in the clcoked process senstivity lsit.


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Hi omara,

It depends on your application, but both asynchronous and synchronous resets have their own advantages.

kpsai26779 said:
Hi omara,

It depends on your application, but both asynchronous and synchronous resets have their own advantages.

I'm not asking which one to use .. I'm asking should I add it to the sensitivity list or not ..

I guess megastar007 gave the proper answer .. thanks megastar007

omara007 said:
I'm not asking which one to use .. I'm asking should I add it to the sensitivity list or not ..

Hi omara,

Wat I mean to say is if you are using asynchronous reset then you can include reset in sensitivity list and for synchronous reset dont include reset in sensitivity list. It depends on your application, but both asynchronous and synchronous resets have their own advantages

Hope now you can under stand better

What do you mean by : Not Unique ?

yes its pretty simple and clear

use reset in sensitivity list for asynchronous reset and
dnt use it for synchronous reset

follow the link for more info on sync and asynch reset:

Dear Omara,
The following is the conclusion part of a clifford E Cummings paper regarding Sync resets and async resets. Hope it may help you to understand better what megastar007 told.

conclusion: Properly used, synchronous and asynchronous resets can each guarantee reliable reset assertion. Although an asynchronous reset is a safe way to reliably reset circuitry, removal of an asynchronous reset can cause significant problems if not done properly.
The proper way to design with asynchronous resets is to add the reset synchronizer logic to allow asynchronous reset of the design and to insure synchronous reset removal to permit safe restoration of normal design functionality.

didn't you complicate it after it was clear ?!

Including a reset has many advantages

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