I´d say "20min" can be seen as "continous", thus it´s beyond specifications.
Detailed answer should give the datasheet .. if you don´t find the answer, then I recommend to contact the manufacturer.
What can happen:
* The first I can think of: overtemperature, explosion, fire. Possible solution: monitor the temperature and switch OFF on overtemperature.
* The next: reduced lifetime. No idea how to overcome this.
* The next: reduced output voltage
Mind: Even if you do tests ... and you see it is working satisfactory.. then I still recommend to install some safety features (like overtemperature fuse), because the mattery may work on different environment conditions: High ambient temperature, reduced airflow... Additionally you don´t know how the battery chemistry ages and how this changes behaviour. I can imagine that an aged battery has increased heat generation.
Independent what answers are given in the forum: If you go beyond specification, then it´s your own risk.