What to do after compxlib

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Aug 15, 2010
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I know it is necessary to compile Xilinx libraries for modelsim and compxlib does it. I do compilation using compxlib. What should I do after it?
After lots of searches, I just realized that there is a modelsim.ini file and I must modify it? Where is this file and what should I do with it?

After running compxlib you should have a modelsim.ini as you noticed. You should set your MODELSIM environment variable to the FULL PATH filename of your modelsim.ini

As for where this is located ... that should be in your compxlib log file. Usually it is the CWD (work directory) from where you started compxlib. Or if you can't find that, just do a file search the normal boring way...

Also see this thread: https://www.edaboard.com/threads/259161/

That, and do a forum search on "compxlib" and you will find a few other relevant threads.
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Thanks mrflibble

I found the modelsim.ini in the Xilinx directory And defined an environment variable named MODELSIM and set to its path. Also I found another modelsim.ini in the modelsim directory. This is the default ini file that is used by modelsim. isn't it? How about replacing it with the new ini file?

Any way when I open modelsim now there is a lot of xilinx libraries within it! So how should I know contents of them? Which library should I use?!

I always keep the modelsim.ini that is generated by compxlib in the ISE related directory. And then point MODELSIM evn var to THAT file. I leave the original modelsim.ini in the modelsim directory just where it is. Also note the following ... Check the modelsim.ini generated by compxlib. It will have an entry something like this:

others = $MODEL_TECH/../modelsim.ini

It could also be $MODEL instead of $MODEL_TECH, a bit depending on your setup.

What libs should you use? How the hell should I know? The main point of running compxlib like this is that now you can start ISE, make a testbench, and then launch the testbench from ISE. That way it does all the magic stuff for you. If you want to run modelsim from command line then you'll have to actually read some manual pages. Or google harder for some makefiles. Choose your type of laziness. ;-)

I'd say launch it from ISE and see if you can get things going.
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Thanks again
Yes. you're right. The main point of that was launching from ISE.
Excuse me if I'm a little silly!
I just wanted to know about libraries such as secureip, unisim and simprim that are used frequently. If it doesn't matter I desist from it.

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