What should I wear for an interview ?

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Newbie level 3
Feb 27, 2006
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czech interview attire

Hello everyone,

I have an URGENT question:

I am having two interviews next week for an intermediate R&D position. I was going to buy a suit for the interview but a friend advised me that people do not wear suits for interviews anymore (except for managerial positions). Is this true? The interview is in Switzerland and I hold a Ph.D., should I invest in a new suit or not.

I appreciate your advice. Thanks.

korean interview attire

Just be yourself, and wear something not too "cool" I would say ( in the sense you are not in holidays or week end to wear sportswear), but something that you like and that will help to stay confident in yourself because it fits you and you feel it comfortable, providing that you remain remain "correct" (within a range that everybody know it is commun sense I would say)

You are not going there for a fashion exhibition, don't bother yourself too much ,you' re going there to say this is way I think and the knowledge I have essentially and as an implicit message : I like to wear this way because I like it.

If you like suits, just wear it.

Interview Attire

wear the dress you will probably use in the office.

Re: Interview Attire

Thank you for your reply. I don't wear suits on a daily basis, but I do wear suits when needed. I have not had an enterview in Europe before and I'm not sure what is expected. Maybe I'm a bit dated. What would be the alternative to a suit for an interview?

Interview Attire

It depends..If in that country, its normal to wear suits for interviews I say follow the norm. Being presentable would make a good impression on the employer.

Interview Attire

The office dress is good choice

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