What kind of value is received in microcontroller while interfaced with IR receiver?

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Pari Boopathy

Newbie level 6
Mar 13, 2014
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i am connecting the IR receiver to PA.0 of microcontroller(ARM CORTEX M4).i m in need to know what kind of value is received in PA.0....Whether it receives the binary values or else in Pulse form...IR Receiver-HS0038...:?:

The data sheet will tell you.

It is both, there isn't much else you could expect from a single pin input. The actual pulses are the same as the envelope of pulses sent from the IR transmitter but with the carrier frequency removed.

The data sheet will tell you.

It is both, there isn't much else you could expect from a single pin input. The actual pulses are the same as the envelope of pulses sent from the IR transmitter but with the carrier frequency removed.


Thank u Brian..

I am using TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller.I dont know whether the Single Pin receives a 1 byte value or more than that??The pulse which consist of [Start bit(1 bit),Address bit(16 bit),Command bit(16 bit)]..Single pin is enough to capture all r not??
if not how can i interface??

Google for RC5 protocol, respectively other protocols of interest.

I am using NEC protocol...My doubt is in microcontroller and programming part only..How microcontroller receives data from Ir receiver?Each pin in microcontroller receives one bit only...
I m going to connect my IR receiver to PA.0,then by using Timer and interrupts, i receive Single bit values every time and store in variables...I don't know whether my concept is okay or not?

As Brian said, it depends on what the transmitter is sending. Maybe this figure will help you understand. The top part is what the IR transmitter sends; the bottom is the signal from your receiver to the MUCU.

I m going to connect my IR receiver to PA.0,then by using Timer and interrupts, i receive Single bit values every time and store in variables...I don't know whether my concept is okay or not?
Yes. SIRC reception depends on detecting pulse widths. You'll count bits and shift the bit value into a register.

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