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What kind of revision control system people on this site use

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May 29, 2002
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Revison control system?


I would like to survey what kind of revision control system people in this site used? Any one use bug tracking system?


I've been using CVS for a number of years. It's great for text files that are being editted by multiple people. The handling of binary files is so-so.

We've been using gnats to track bugs. It's been okay.


Hi, here we use standard unix SCCS.
If fast handling large files.

Depending of your platform, maybe you can use the gnu version (look in h**p:// ).

CVSNT / Wincvs

Also check out for the Windows version (with :ntserver: domain authentification)

And for a good GUI we use either WinCVS (full manual control possible) or TortoiseCVS (seamless integration in Windows Exploder)
Available on

We are using WinCVS (V1.2) and it is very good.

We are using CVS, it is very good.

We use ClearCase under Solaris and CVS under Windows.
I don't mean that any of that tools is good. You must be very, very carefull when use them.
But there are no alternative (academic tools under UNIX, like RCS, CVS, SCCS are rarely used in industry).

clearcase license

who have the clearcase license ?

We use CVS and WinCVS v1.2. It is very good for ascii files.

We use Clearcase under both, UNIX and Windws.

I have tried CVS and RCS, the good thing about CVS is that is free (at least it was on those days). They are all right but as soon as you get Clearcase life is great.

I am not administrator and I don't set up Clearcase, VOBs, groups, a user is great and very powerful. We use it for FPGA and Software development.

One thing I liked about RCS is that you can buy an add-on which allows you to compare .DOC documents. Something Clearcase does not do.



So, You say that clearcase, can do much more for example than CVS? then it is better for us to use it?

I prefer Clearcase but every company/scenario is different.

Consider that Clearcase is very expensive and also complicated to set-up, CVS on the other hand is free and not that difficult to set-up.

I forgot to mention, Sourcesafe is also out there, it's not bad and is used in a lot of big/small companies. You get one license with a Visual package for instance.



Try SVN - a new version control system. It seems better than CVS in all ways. Based on http protocol over port 80. Lacks a good GUI however.

for commercial users, use ClearCase, for free users, use CVS.

I have used CVS while working for a big company. In the University, we usually use nothing and have to phase chaos all the time!

I forgot to say that SVN is free and open source.
Really better than CVS. Do not know about clearcase.

I haven't used SVN but if it lacks a good GUI... :?
DCM is not an easy task and unless you have some background\experience about it a GUI always helps.

I started using the GUI with Clearcase and now only use scripts, but sometimes is useful to get an screenshot of a tree of versions or things like that.


Can somebody explain the advantages of SVN compared to CVS please

**broken link removed**

for wincvs guide

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