What it means when a mosfet is level 1 or 2 or so on?

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May 10, 2004
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mosfet level 1,2,3?

Just wondering what it means when a mosfet is level 1 or 2 or so on. Im designing a comparator using B2 Spice and from what i can gather i can not adjust the W/L ratios of the models supplied with the program. To input the W/L ratios i have to design a mosfet from scratch. ie. need to input all parameters required for a mosfet. I need the right parameters for 0.18um technology. I cant download separate models for this program. Is there a good website where i can just copy paste paramters from like a datasheet or something.



Re: mosfet level 1,2,3?

Each level have their own equation and assumption!
To make a design and calculation simpler, you can use level 1,2 @ 3!
Level 1 is the simplest one! Try to used level 3...

For industrial standard, designers always used level 49 for their circuit! Level 49 have their own parameter and more complex! There parameter is not the same with level 1,2,3 where we need to analyze and characterize the parameter to get the 'familiar' parameter such in level 1,2,3!

A lot of website release their technology with lavel 49, it is hard to find level 1-3! Unless, some of the forumist would like to give you the parameter!

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