Hi everybody
Today I create this topic to encourage you to discuss about these two popular microcontrollers AVR &PIC.
I ask you participate in this topic & share your ideas and experiences with us.
First of all I ask some questions to discuss about and then I will explain some points related to them.
At first I would like to ask which one do you prefer and use in your projects more than the other one? Why?
Which one is more popular between electronic's engineers?
Second point is their speed and comparison of frequencies, Which one is faster? Although I know for example AVR speed is 4 times faster than PIC though same frequency of clock is used. This is due to when using PIC, the frequency will be divided by 4 for accurate requirement but AVR important for speed, but I want to know more about this and it's uses in different
situations for example in industry projects
How about the effects of noise on them? Which one is more effected by noise?
How about it's price?
which one is expensive more than the other one?
and so on
I hope you take part in this discussion and help us to reach a good result.
Be success