Hi ruwan2,
The first point is that it seems that there are some missing decinal points in yopur post, i.e. in order to be consistent with the Bode plot (and the rest) it should be
In these conditions, the equalizer has a zeto at about f=0.64 GHz (nor Grad/s) and a pole at f=1.6 GHz.
From the eye pattern of the distorted signal it can be estimated a rise time (from 10% to 90% of about .6 ns).
Assuming that the channel could be modeled roughly as a single-pole transfer function, its time constant would be .6ns/2.2 = 0.27e-9 ns .
This means that the zero of your erqualizer cancels the pole of the channel, moving the dominant pole of the response to Tau2.
The spectrum of the NRZ signal has a sin(x)/x shape with the first pass by zero at 2 GHz.
That means that the equalizer acts in the frequency band when the spectral content of the signal is important. Above 1.6 GHz or so the attenuation of the channel can be very high but that doesn't affect significantly the signal.
Conclusion: it seems that all is OK.
Maybe the wrong is that you confused rad/s with Hz, or neglected the fact that attenuation at very high frequency doesn't care.