what is the wrong in this code

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Serwan Bamerni

Member level 2
Dec 21, 2014
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hello everyone

I wrote the following code but I get a wrong output and a huge warnings

library IEEE;

entity memory_controller is
    Port ( data_in 	: 			in  	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           read_add 	: 			out  	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           write_add_a_ind : 	out  	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           write_add_b_ind : 	out  	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           write_add_c_ind : 	out  	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           write_add_d_ind : 	out  	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           data_out : 			out  	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           wmae : out  STD_LOGIC;
           wmbe : out  STD_LOGIC;
           wmce : out  STD_LOGIC;
           wmde : out  STD_LOGIC);
end memory_controller;

architecture Behavioral of memory_controller is

	SIGNAL mem_sel: 	STD_LOGIC	:= '0';
	SIGNAL gro_sel: 	STD_LOGIC	:= '0';
	SIGNAL write_mem_a_count: 	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0):= (others => '0');
	SIGNAL write_mem_b_count: 	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0):= (others => '0');
	SIGNAL write_mem_c_count: 	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0):= (others => '0');
	SIGNAL write_mem_d_count: 	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0):= (others => '0');
	SIGNAL mem_group_count: 	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (8 downto 0):= (others => '0');
	SIGNAL read_ind: 	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0):= (others => '0');


	data_out <= data_in;
	write_add_a_ind 	<= write_mem_a_count;
	write_add_b_ind 	<= write_mem_b_count;
	write_add_c_ind 	<= write_mem_c_count;
	write_add_d_ind 	<= write_mem_d_count;
mem_con: PROCESS (data_in)

	VARIABLE ci: 	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);


	ci := gro_sel & mem_sel;
		WHEN "00" => 
			wmae <= '1';
			wmbe <= '0';
			wmce <= '0';
			wmde <= '0';
			write_mem_a_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(write_mem_a_count) + 1 );

		WHEN "01" => 
         wmae <= '0';
			wmbe <= '1';
			wmce <= '0';
			wmde <= '0';
			write_mem_b_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(write_mem_b_count) + 1 );
		WHEN "10" => 
   		wmae <= '0';
			wmbe <= '0';
			wmce <= '1';
			wmde <= '0';
			write_mem_c_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(write_mem_c_count) + 1 );
			wmae <= '0';
			wmbe <= '0';
			wmce <= '0';
			wmde <= '1';
			write_mem_d_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(write_mem_d_count) + 1 );	
	mem_sel <= not(mem_sel);

	mem_group_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(mem_group_count) + 1 );	
	if (mem_group_count(8) = '0') then
	gro_sel <= '0';
	gro_sel <= '1';
	end if;
	if (mem_group_count(8) = '1') then
	read_add <= read_ind;
	read_ind <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(read_ind) + 1 );	

	end if;
	end process mem_con;	
end Behavioral;

I suppose that the output should be at first data in
wmae = 1
wmbe = 0
but it was opposite

write_add_a_ind = 00000000
but it will be = 00000001

write_add_b_ind will be 00000001
while it should be not changed

please can any one help me with this errors

hello everyone

I wrote the following code but I get a wrong output and a huge warnings
please can any one help me with this errors
1. Write a testbench
2. Start up the simulator and put a breakpoint in at the first line of the process
3. Single step through the process to find out where the outputs are being assigned the values that you think are not correct.
4. Modify your source code to fix the errors you found in step #3.
5. Iterate on steps #2 thru 4 until all outputs are to your liking in step #3.
6. Done

Kevin Jennings
1.) missing inputs in sensitivity list. a testbench will be misleading.
2.) x= not x inside a non-clocked process.
3.) x = x+1 inside a non clocked process.
that is mean, I should add a clock

thanks for your help
That is mean!? (this says you think vGoodtime was not being nice to you)

I think you meant to say "Does this mean, I should add a clock?" (note the ? punctuation for a question, instead of a statement)

VHDL == VHSIC Hardware Description Language.

Hardware counters are memories with logic that makes them count up in binary. The memory is either Flip-flops, RAM, or Latches (bad idea in FPGAs). Your implementation is attempting to make a latch based counter (very bad) that isn't even structured properly to make it a latch.

You should use a clock and flip-flops for the counter.


VHDL/Verilog are both simulation-first languages that also allow you to describe hardware. The sensitivity list is used by simulation to determine when to run the code inside the process. This is an anti-feature that is slowly being removed by new features in Verilog-2001 and VHDL-2008. The synthesis tool ignores the sensitivity list as much as possible.

In this case, the logic seems to mostly work in simulation because the sensitivity list doesn't include all signals that have their values used in the process. Adding them in should result in the values changeing rapidly in the simulation, or the simulation detecting a combinatorial loop. I've never tried this, so I don't know the exact behavior. It should be clear that this won't in the simulation at that point.

You should add a clock, as you are trying to generate memory elements. The current design method is to use the rising edge of a clock, and to have most signals in the design change at the rising clock edges.

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