what is the type of server that i have to use ???

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Newbie level 5
Apr 1, 2010
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Hi all,

I have a Telit Module UC864-G and i want to use server to connect to the module and transfer data through TCP/IP, these data is used to control an application which is interfaced with a MC PIC18F452 and the module.

i want to know how can i make this kind of server, and i want to make web interface to this server to make controlling and monitoring the application be easier.

waiting your answers

Just google for a TCP/IP server.
You will do some socket programming and will make use of active and passive ones.
The design used is called a concurrent server.


    Points: 2
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...i want to make web interface to this server to make controlling and monitoring the application be easier
What you want is a web server. A web server delivers content, such as web pages, to a web client using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A web browser is a one type of web client. The client makes the connection to the server. If you use a device to connect to the server, it is referred to as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications, and your device would be the web client.

Your server code can be written in several different languages - depending on the OS the server computer is running. Two of the most popular are ASP (Windows) and PHP (Unix). W3Schools (https://www.w3schools.com/) has some excellent tutorials on writing server side code. The easiest way to test your server code is to access it using a standard web browser.


    Points: 2
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thanks all for help, but do i need to have tcp/ip stack in the PIC18F452 or the tcp/ip stack on the module is enough??

Microchip has a free TCP/IP stack
**broken link removed**

is it nessecery to use tcp/ip stack on my PIC or not??

To do socket programming u need it

i am going to connect the module to the PIC using UART and the module have the ability to open a socket, in this case will i need to make socket programing on PIC??

do not get ur answer
can u elaborate?

the microcontroller is going to control the UMTS module, and they are going to communicate to each other using UART, the UMTS module have the ability to make a connection to the internet and open a socket to communicate to the other end (the server) , and the microcontroller is interfaced to the application, and the MC will control and monitor the application according to the commands that i will send from the server

Added after 17 minutes:

can i get an answer?

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