What is the size of ground and VCC wires?

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Ground and VCC wires

It depends on how much the supply you are using in ckt.
Mostly in purely electronic ckts it is arround 2.5 to 3 mm maximum.


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Re: Ground and VCC wires

i think the track size mentioned will be used in power supply boards for a normal micro controller board with a 5V VCC we can use .5mm track and a good ground copper pour

Re: Ground and VCC wires

some years back..I have this estimated current loading capacity for trace

0.254mm = 0.3A, 0.381mm=0.4A, 0.508mm = 0.7A, 0.635mm=1.0A, 1.27mm=2.0A, 2.54mm=4.0A, 3.81mm=6.0A

Re: Ground and VCC wires


It needs lots of inputs and other factors decides its trace thickness,for eg..

1) its application..

2) density & critical signals.

3) emi issues.

4) Its current carrying,for eg smps pcb..

Please be more specific what your looking for..



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