What is the simplest way of creating a RF wireless link between two microcontrollers?

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Jun 6, 2001
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What is the simplest way of creating a RF wireless link between two microcontrollers.

WIth regards

wireless Link ?

The cheapest way is generally to buy RF transmit and receive modules. For example,

**broken link removed**

Also, I noticed a few days ago and company from China selling directly on Ebay. (Search Ebay for 433MHZ transmitter. )

Be aware that with the low cost versions, you have to accept some limitations. The range is not so good, the power consumption is higher, and the data rates are low. Expect to transfer data at a less than 4800 baud. Some claim, 9600, but that is hard with simple circuits. If you only want to pass small amounts of data, this is not a problem.

If you want higher performance, then the price increases. Search for LINX as they make the higher performance parts.

Re: wireless Link ?

I use the transceiver from: **broken link removed**
The "ER400TRS-02" is wery good.

Re: wireless Link ?

FSK transmitters are ok as long as your project can halt a time or two during operation. Unless you get really good quality modules you'll have a rather hard time tuning it. Especially if you little RF background.

I say get Bluetooth modules, they have a seial interface and takes care of all the low level stuff for you, so you can just talk to your other controller. They are bit expensive though.

Re: wireless Link ?

Thanks for suggestions.

If cost is not an issue then what can be a simple approach for acheiving a bidirectional wireless link for a data rate of 256 kbps or so.

I have no RF background. I am in need of a small compact module which can go in a handheld device.

With regards

Re: wireless Link ?

WLAN module?
Have you tried???

Re: wireless Link ?

Thanks for your reply WATERMELON,

kindly suggest some suitable WLAN module which requires little programming effort.
I wish to enable wireless on a PXA270 processor

With regards

Re: wireless Link ?

I guess, searching local electronics magazines for ads on WLAN or ZigBee or BlueTooth modules should do the trick.

Also look at web sites of various communications chips manufacturers (Elector or EFY). They may have local offices to help you with samples and prototyping.

;-) and let me know too.

Re: wireless Link ?

Use chipcon CC1000. This is very good chip working on four operation bank. Supports FSK. I've tested it aorund 100m.


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