Apr 21, 2005 #1 C chihhao Full Member level 4 Joined Apr 4, 2004 Messages 204 Helped 4 Reputation 8 Reaction score 3 Trophy points 1,298 Activity points 1,701 Antenna measurement Measured by Horizontal receiver antenna = P_H Measured by Vertical receiver antenna = P_V The total power is P_Total Which one is right (1) P_total = P_H + P_V (W) (2) P_total = [(P_H)^2+(P_V)^2]^(1/2) (W) Where can I find the document explaining this? Thanks.
Antenna measurement Measured by Horizontal receiver antenna = P_H Measured by Vertical receiver antenna = P_V The total power is P_Total Which one is right (1) P_total = P_H + P_V (W) (2) P_total = [(P_H)^2+(P_V)^2]^(1/2) (W) Where can I find the document explaining this? Thanks.
Apr 21, 2005 #2 D dowjones Full Member level 2 Joined Nov 21, 2001 Messages 122 Helped 7 Reputation 14 Reaction score 1 Trophy points 1,298 Activity points 1,352 Antenna measurement you should write in amplitudes, better than in voltage. They are coherent vector signals and the correct way is amplitude. Then, E_total = (E_h, E_v) and P_total = E_total*conjg(Etotal) = E_h^2 + E_v^2 , since the two components are orthogonal. Then it follows => P_total = P_h + P_v
Antenna measurement you should write in amplitudes, better than in voltage. They are coherent vector signals and the correct way is amplitude. Then, E_total = (E_h, E_v) and P_total = E_total*conjg(Etotal) = E_h^2 + E_v^2 , since the two components are orthogonal. Then it follows => P_total = P_h + P_v