What is the new c# language??

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Feb 21, 2002
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WHY c#??


I know how to programm in C++ (visual c++ 6.0). I was wondering why C#, I don't know anyhting about it. is it a standar or is a new microsoft language?. I have read that allows easier and faste windows app. development. Anyone could give me a good intro to it.

Thanks a lot,


Re: WHY c#??

C# is Microsoft's response (competition) to Java. Microsoft's original VM and Visual J++ software contained Microsoft additions to the Java language that ran on the Windows platform only, this undermined the goal of Java because Microsoft additions were only available on Windows. In the end Microsoft lost the battle with Java and started thinking of a new language, C#.

C# is a language much like Java, it also requires an interpreter to run and this is called the .NET Framework. Windows XP already contains the .NET Framework, it can also be downloaded for Windows 2000.

Is C# a standard? Yes. Microsoft has submitted this for ANSI qualification. Microsoft has also stated that the language will not be limited to the Windows platform, though when they plan on porting it to other platforms is unknown.

C# has a graphical windowing library called Windows Forms, which you can use to write Windows-based GUI applications. You can also use existing system DLLs and create accessor methods for them to access the Windows API if needed.

How to get started If you have Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 2003 then you can use that to write your programs, you can also use Borland C# Builder. Or you can also use the command line compiler Microsoft provides for free with the .NET Framework SDK.

- Jayson

Re: WHY c#??

i see and test it

i think c# = ((java + ObjectPascal) * (java + ObjectPascal)) - C++

the class it c# ~ delphi !

You can convert c++ code to c# code in visualstudio.NET!

Re: WHY c#??

Woudl you recomemnd me to learn C# for programming windows applications?? which is the pros/cons agains C++?

Best regars,


if you want to learn windows programming c# is right tool. Because it's microsoft's new standart, c++ has some limitations on memory operations in large applications.

Re: WHY c#??

Remeber this, C# accesses the Win32 API. Programming in C using <windows.h> gives you direct access to the Win32 API, hence your programs will be compiled to native machine code and faster. C# programs on the other hand are compiled to a device independent bytecode which is then executed on a virtual machine which runs ontop of Windows.

If you want to make a video application or game, use C/C++ Device drivers as an example cannot be written in C#, only C/C++.

If you want to make a windows application like a P2P client or some other web services, XML, etc, etc, use C#, though you could also do this with C/C++.

- Jayson

Re: WHY c#??

mImoto said:
Woudl you recomemnd me to learn C# for programming windows applications?? which is the pros/cons agains C++?
Best regars,
Yes, I suggest you to learn it if you are a windows programmer.
1) because with it you'll able to write your programms faster if you must write good interface for them.
2) you can use many components (microsoft sais assembly to them) that many of them are free and open source.
unfortunately microsoft componets isn't open source but free.
3) in the future (may be!) you can use your code in linux.
4) in the future (may be!) you can use delphi components in your codes or C# components in delphi.
5) When you must write a code that needs harware programming it's very hard to do them in C#. It hasn't many of good c++ features for example bit structure. :wink:
6) ...

Re: WHY c#??


is there any hope that c# be used in all systems like linux........

i ask because i am studying c# ......but i need a language that can be coded in all systems

so i thought about java

so what is better ............knowig that i need a language help me in network programming

Re: WHY c#??

C# run best on win XP it's not compatiable backword e.g you can't run C# application on win98

also if you want to run C# on win NT or Win 2000 you need to intall 20 Mb+ files for the VM befor you can run any C# app .

The best solution is to write your code in C++ using borland builder 6 or so it work fine on all win platform XP,2000,NT,98


Re: WHY c#??

a C# compiler already is available for linux!
also the .net framework is available for linux.
It's available as the open source initiative mono (sponsored by Novel)


I've heard it is good. I haven't used it but i'm gonna try it, someday ;-).

C# is a language to be able to create programs quicker and with less errors (memory leaks, pointer mistakes, ...)! C++ might be more powerfull but you can make ugly mistakes in C++. C# tries to solve some of these issues while maintaining flexiblility.


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