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What is the minimum voltage change I can measure with a 6.5-digit multimeter?


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Full Member level 2
Sep 25, 2015
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Hi everyone,

I am testing a very sensitive analog circuit, and I am unsure if I am measuring the values correctly.

The resolution of the multimeter is crucial for me. I need to measure changes of 100nV.

Can I do this with a 6.5-digit multimeter? My multimeter model is the Agilent 34411A. According to the datasheet, the resolution is given as 0.03 ppm in the 10V range and 100 nplc. So, I concluded that I can measure a voltage change of 30nV in 1V range. Is this correct?

Here is the relevant part of the datasheet:

Page 146 will give you means to get to total error :

Regards, Dana.
Thank you very much for the answers. Yes, I am asking about resolution. I collect data via PC, and the multimeter provides readings with much higher digits down to the 1 nV range. I'm not sure if these readings are accurate.
@strahd_von_zarovich, is your concern absolute accuracy or just resolution ? I see
prior post ultimate concern is accuracy ?

Regards, Dana.
@strahd_von_zarovich, is your concern absolute accuracy or just resolution ? I see
prior post ultimate concern is accuracy ?

Regards, Dana.
Dear Dana,

Just resolution. My main goal is to measure changes rather than absolute accuracy.

For example, if I measure 0.100,000,000 V and then increase the source voltage by 50 nV, I want to measure 0.100,000,050 V. -

As long as I can measure the change correctly, I don't really care about the actual values.
O.k., PC interface provides higher resolution. Presumed specified 0.03 ppm of FSK noise at PLC = 100 applies also to 1V DC range, then useable resolution of measurement depends on expected significance. According to user manual a resolution of 2*Vnoise,rms is obtained with 4.5 % prohability of failure, 3*Vnoise,rms is obtained with 0.3 %.
Thank you very much for the answers. Yes, I am asking about resolution. I collect data via PC, and the multimeter provides readings with much higher digits down to the 1 nV range. I'm not sure if these readings are accurate.
from my experience: everything below 10uV becomes difficult.

Depending on range, frequency response, measurement timing ... and so on one could go quite below 1uV .. But I see no change to get below 100nV with reasonable effort.

For example, if I measure 0.100,000,000 V and then increase the source voltage by 50 nV, I want to measure 0.100,000,050 V. -
This is 0.5ppm? it´s difficult to detect from 0nV to 50nV ...(without 100mV offset) but in the rane you say .. even the REFERENCE and it´s drift plays a major role.
Noise, thermcouple effects, mechanical stress on a PCB ... all will cause more error than 50nV.

Again: it all depends on the complete specifications.


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