What is the min frequency that generated by RC circuit for IC4541

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Member level 2
Apr 23, 2013
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Dear All.

I am using the IC4541 to timing delay, I have R = 1010000 ohms & C = 1.5 uF , so that I get the frequency of 0.29 HZ.

By selecting the Pins in the timer IC4541 (2^16) , I set my delay as 32 hours. 32768/(1/(2.3*R*C) = 32 hours.

Please any one tell if this Capacitor hold this frequency of 0.28 HZ and can this circuit works.

Which type of capacitor? You need the capacitor with low leakage current, in range of nA. In general I don't see any problem.
Which type of capacitor? You need the capacitor with low leakage current, in range of nA. In general I don't see any problem.

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your reply, I am using the Box capacitor.

I think it can hold that much of frequency.... not a problem.. But why do u need such low frequency?

I think it can hold that much of frequency.... not a problem.. But why do u need such low frequency?


I am developing the circuit to control the valves based on the timing, with this low frequency I make the IC4541 to count 32 hrs, so I create that delay.

By doing like this I can ON the Valve once in every 32 hrs.

By using this frequency will this be possible ?

You have to be aware, that timing of circuit can not be very accurate, taking into consideration tolerances of capacitor, resistor and IC...

You have to be aware, that timing of circuit can not be very accurate, taking into consideration tolerances of capacitor, resistor and IC...

Yes, I am aware of the tolerance, I have considered as 10 % tolerance.

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