What is the meaning of the Preamble term?

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Member level 4
Sep 26, 2004
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what is Preamble?

What is the meaning of the term "preamble"? and how does it signify a communication system's frame: for example the wimax subframe starts with two preambles.
Whta does this mean

Re: what is Preamble?

what i know about Preamble
it is a technique to make synchronous between Tx & Rx
it sends a certain byte to make order to Rx to begin to rreceive and process data
for example on data network; computer send this byte '10101011'
so receiving computer when receive 0101... it make attention to be ready
until it receives ' 11' then it begins to process the next bytes

what is Preamble?

Its a certain training parts of a frame used for frame synchronization, channel estimation, equalization and etc

Re: what is Preamble?

The following paper gives answer to all your questions regarding Preambles in 802.16 :

"Design and Simulation of a baseband transceiver for IEEE 802.16a OFDM-MODE subscriber stations", Yang, Lei, Chiueh, The 2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Dec 6-9,2004

Regards - TS

Added after 53 seconds:

The following paper gives answer to all your questions regarding Preambles in 802.16 :

"Design and Simulation of a baseband transceiver for IEEE 802.16a OFDM-MODE subscriber stations", Yang, Lei, Chiueh, The 2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Dec 6-9,2004

Regards - TS

Re: what is Preamble?

is it on the EDAboard downloads, or shall i pay to get it from IEEE

Re: what is Preamble?

I cannot download it to EDAboard but if you send me your e-mail, I can send it to you.

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