Hello. There is a formula for calculating the diode current taking into account the volumetric resistance of the base of the diode rb:
What does the value of β mean? What is its meaning and definition? I only know that this value is measured in 1/volt.
Comparing with original Shockley equation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shockley_diode_equation clarifies that β is an arbitrary constant replacing n*Vt. Secondly, your "rb" is obviously placed wrong if it's assumed to represent a resistor or volume resistance.
U is the voltage (potential) and rb is the resistance. Therefore U-rb is meaningless (two items must have the same dimension so that they can be subtracted).
In an exponential function (exp(some quantity)), the exponent must be dimensionless. Hence beta must have dimension of 1/potential.
What is the source of the equation? Where did you see it?