What is the Lex & Yacc tool ?

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Lex & Yacc



Re: Lex & Yacc

Any clue to where I can get this stuff from ? .. I can't find any download link in the link u mentioned !

Re: Lex & Yacc

Any unix OS have lex and yacc.
In linux it named flex and bison .
There are also Windows versions.

Re: Lex & Yacc

fragment said:
Any unix OS have lex and yacc.
In linux it named flex and bison .
There are also Windows versions.

can u help me downloading the windows version ? .. is it under cygwin environment ?

Lex & Yacc

Cygwin is one way. Or try searching Google for lex yacc windows
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Re: Lex & Yacc

There is a pure windows port Flex & Bison. Its a part of BisonFlex wizard for Visual C++ 6.0. It can be found for example at h**p://www.window95.com/windows/programming.html
But main problem with Flex/Bison is a license. All programs that use Flex/Bison must be GNU.

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