What is the function of parallel RC circuit?

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Advanced Member level 4
May 11, 2006
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Gurun, Kedah, Malaysia
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What is function of parallel RC circuit?
When do we usually use this type of circuit?
Please advise.

Thanks in advance.

parallel rc circuit

Parallel RC is basically used for charging and discharging
parallel rc circuit equation

In parallel RC circuit,
for dc source, C charge directly and rapidly, soon the current flow only through R. Vin=Vout soon.
for ac soruces, it show impedence according to the frequency.

this circuit is mostly used in oscillators and tank circutis.
and also found in tunning circuits.

Re: parallel RC circuit

In case for oscillator use, If we remove the R and let C alone. What will happen? What is it different when we add the R to the C parallelly for biasing the oscillator?

Added after 2 minutes:

Electronica said:
Parallel RC is basically used for charging and discharging

What do you mean by used for charging and discharging?
If can then, can you please describe this briefly on how the charging and discharging happen? Why we need to add R parallel to the C as the C alone also the charging and discharging can happen. Please advise.

I am really beginner in this field.

Re: parallel RC circuit

R provides control to the rate of charging and discharging, without resistance, the capacitor will charge &/or discharge instantaneously, R limits the current, thereby allowing the charging and discharging to happen gradually, governed by:


Where V=system/total/ supply voltage
t= time instance under consideration
τ=Time Constant=R*C
Vch= Capacitor Votage at time t during charging
Vdch=Capacitor Voltage at time t during discharging

It takes 5*τ seconds for a capacitor to charge or discharge fully.

NOTE: In parallel circuits, the charging equation does not apply if the supply voltage is across the terminals of the capacitor, it will charge in approx 0 time, while discharge in accordance with the discharging equation.

Re: parallel RC circuit

when R and C are connected in parallel, C charge from a source (there are self starting oscillators but actually it need something like noise)and discharge through R. this process repeat. RC make a time constant which control the oscillating frequency. if we add R to C, it can generally decrease frequency.

Re: parallel RC circuit

Thanks very much for your explanation.

Added after 53 minutes:

Thanks very Much Kon Zaw.

Re: parallel RC circuit

hi i like to know parrelel r how is going to limit current?


Re: parallel RC circuit

grittinjames said:
hi i like to know parrelel r how is going to limit current?

Like I said in parallel, the R acts while discharging, since the source is removed, the only current path is through the resistor.

Re: parallel RC circuit

How about RC used to reduce dumping problem?

Re: parallel RC circuit

charging and decharging and filtering

Re: parallel RC circuit

Also with a rc circuit the current will be 90% out of phase with the voltage. The is no timing phase shift with just the resistor. This is for ac circuits by the way. A parrellel rc circuit uses the voltage as the timing referance. And a simple way to remeber weather current is leading or lagging in the cicuit is ICE and ELI (ICE=Current-Capacitance-Voltage) (ELI=Voltage-Inductance-Current).

parallel RC circuit

maybe it could be used as loop compensation

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