What is the function of Lithium battery internal circuitry?

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Aug 14, 2004
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What is the function of Lithium battery internal circuitry?

I mean when you open a Lithium battery pack there is a small PCB with a couble of SMD ICs and some other components. I beleive this is used to record the state of charge of the cells and control the charging in case the temperature of the cells rises.

Is this true or it offers other functions? What is the full function of this circuit and in case I remove the cells and charge them without this PCB is there any problem?

Thanks in advance for your time.


Re: What is the function of Lithium battery internal circuit

I suggest you to not remove the circuitry there. It is not mandatory and the battery still work even without, but its functions are really useful.
It is a protection circuit module (PCM) which protects the battery pack in case of overcharging, overcurrent, and overdischarging.
Usually, in datasheet of batteries you buy, you also find this kind of information and which kind of prevenction is your PCM designed for.


Re: What is the function of Lithium battery internal circuit

Thank you for your answer McShamrock,

The reason I want to remove the circuit is because the battery does not work OK and the charger cannot charge it. If i remove this circuit and charge the battery with a Lithium charger, the cells work fine and can be used for other purpose.
Although I wasn't certain what was the function and even know I am still carefull\cautious when handling the cells.

You mean cell phone battery or notebook battery?

Re: What is the function of Lithium battery internal circuit

For notebook (and may be mobilephone...) there may be a IC to identify if the battery is a counterfeiting...

Re: What is the function of Lithium battery internal circuit

you probably ment to li ion polymer and not li ion.
the chips there are a combinations of what was mentioned before
but also there is a polyswitch and thermistor combination i think.

Re: What is the function of Lithium battery internal circuit

These circuits are for protection for over current protection for charging and discharging; short circuit protection for charging and discharging;Over voltage protection and under voltage protection; cell imbalance protection; protection from permanent failures;to get the data about soc,DOD etc...

There are lot of information is available in TI site., please check...

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