Generally in LDO you have the pass transistor(PT) having a large cgs due to its large size. So, generally if you have opamp (in this case first opamp -->will have large output impedance) and if you load it directly with PT then you will get the pole releatievely at a very low frequency which wouldn't be too much sepeperated from the output pole (generally). So, buffer is used to seperate high resistive node from high capacitive node. So, inherently you dont need to reduce the bandwidth so much to achieve stability-->improves high freq PSRR. And as such I don't find the buffer to be useful, since it produces a lot more constraint on the swing, more current, etc. (One more thing to look at it is the buffer output looks like a inductor at some intermediate frequency & remember you have very high cap at the PT gate, so its boost the Q factor unless you burn a lot of current).