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i am interfacing lcd with pic-16f873 using mikroc. (8-bit interfacing).
i am very new to pic.
I have read the datasheet of pic-16f873, i am not understanding ADCON1 function mentioned in PORTA section!!!
1)why it should be used? As i am not using A/D in this interfacing.
2)what will be the value of ADCON1 for outputting the control signal RS,RW and EN through RA0, RA1,RA2 pin of PORTA? Also in case of PORTB using as Data line (8-bit) for lcd?
i am very new to pic.
I have read the datasheet of pic-16f873, i am not understanding ADCON1 function mentioned in PORTA section!!!
1)why it should be used? As i am not using A/D in this interfacing.
2)what will be the value of ADCON1 for outputting the control signal RS,RW and EN through RA0, RA1,RA2 pin of PORTA? Also in case of PORTB using as Data line (8-bit) for lcd?