Dear FvM,
Thank you for your quick reply (I really appreciate you for replying me every time...).
1) about frequency response in datasheet
As I wrote first, I found some datasheets specifying only magnitude plot. Thus I've never seen any phase plots in datasheets.
For Analog Devices :
For TI :
2) About decimation filters
Do you mean a filter composed of 1 stage of integrator and comb by a simple CIC filter??
If so, as far as I calculate the transfer function and from that phase of the filter, I do get linear phase.
Plus, from other documents like wikipedia, I think CIC filter gives you linear phase.
As for as I know, additional FIR filters are intended to compensate gain droops but not phase.
3) SD modulation ADC's transfer function
So if the TF of CIC filter is Hcic(z) and that of the analog part is Han(s), the overall TF is
Hcic(z) * Han(s)
(I know I should convert s to z with prepwarps)
Yukihiro Hatagishi