What is the exact meaning of these parameters in "MSUB" component in "ads_tlines"? - ADS

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Full Member level 3
Mar 1, 2022
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I have a simple 2-layer PCB in 1 GHz frequency. I wish to provide a "MSUB" according to my design. even though I have studied carefully the ADS tutorial about this component, my questions about a couple of parameters exist yet.
The following link represent this tutorial:

ADS tutorial about "MSUB" component

I bring up the questions here:
1- As I mentioned before, I have a 2-layer microstrip PCB which the bottom one is the ground plane. I do not have any cover plane which is defined in parameters. So What value I choose for this?

2- This sentence is from this tutorial:

Parameters Cond1, Cond2, Diel1, Diel2, Hole, and Res control the layer on which the Mask layers are drawn. These are layout-only parameters and are not used by the simulator.
I do not know what does it mean? If these parameters do not affect the simulation, what is the reason to define them?

3- I do not understand what is "Diel2", "Cond2", "Res", and "Bond" parameters.

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Can anyone answer this question?
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Thanks for great information. It would be great if you answer my first question as well. I just have a bottom ground plane. So what should I write in the "cover height" box? This is required to fill. Should I fill it blank?
If the box top cover is open circuit, you can put some distance for. For instance 50mm or more is enough to make it open circuit. It's necessary to calculate "proximity effect" only.
1- These layers are used for layout only, simulator does not use them ( logically ). when you transfer your schematic to layout, those layers are used to build the layout.
2-They are extra layers that can eventually be used in different applications.
All you have to do is to fill the necessary MSUB parameters such as Height, Dielectric Coefficient, Cover Height etc.

Thanks for great information. It would be great if you answer my first question as well. I just have a bottom ground plane. So what should I write in the "cover height" box? This is required to fill. Should I fill it blank?

Thanks for great information. It would be great if you answer my first question as well. I just have a bottom ground plane. So what should I write in the "cover height" box? This is required to fill. Should I fill it blank?
If the box top cover is open circuit, you can put some distance for. For instance 50mm or more is enough to make it open circuit. It's necessary to calculate "proximity effect" only.
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