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What is the difference between this both circuit.

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Full Member level 5
Jul 6, 2010
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Please tell what is the difference between these circuit showing both diffrent volatge current out put.


  • aaa.jpg
    101.5 KB · Views: 96

Left side is a Lowpass circuit, -45deg phase shifter.
Right side is a Highpass circuit, +45deg phase shifter.

So this is used as quadrature signal generator.

how to find phase shift in it??


  • aaa.jpg
    263.4 KB · Views: 89

The circuit shows a 50Hz sinewave input with a peak of 12V but shows no outputs. A simple calculation shows that the capacitor values are too small or the resistor values are too small for any effect at 50Hz.
If you are making a sinewave inverter then you need the RMS sinewave voltage not the peak voltage.

- - - Updated - - -

Your LTspiceIV image also shows no arrow pointing to the output but it is probably at the resistor on the right side that is fed 50Hz from the capacitor with its value much too low for 50Hz which produces a low signal level.
Please learn about resistors and capacitors and how to calculate their values at a certain frequency. Try 3.3uF with the 1k resistor.

If you are making a sinewave inverter then you need the RMS sinewave voltage not the peak voltage.
How to get RMS value in LT spice.
and how to calculate the RC value?

here is the output of right side.


  • aaa.jpg
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With 3.3uF and 1k resistor your -3dB frequency is 48 Hz approximately. (near the 50 Hz)

12 V / sqrt(2) = 8.48 V which is the amplitude of the output you are viewing aproximattively

You do not know the basics of electronics. The peak voltage of a sinewave is "the root of 2" (1.414) times higher than its RMS voltage. Then the RMS voltage is the peak voltage times 0.707.
The calculation of the reactance of a capacitor is 1 divided by (2 x pi x R x f).
Please learn these basic formulas.

With the 3.3uF capacitor in the simulation do you see that the output is almost 0.707 times the input and do you see almost a 45 degrees phase shift?

You do not know the basics of electronics. The peak voltage of a sinewave is "the root of 2" (1.414) times higher than its RMS voltage. Then the RMS voltage is the peak voltage times 0.707.
The calculation of the reactance of a capacitor is 1 divided by (2 x pi x R x f).
Please learn these basic formulas.
I know this but how to drawn the frequency response and bode plot of it?

With 3.3uF and 1k resistor your -3dB frequency is 48 Hz approximately. (near the 50 Hz)

12 V / sqrt(2) = 8.48 V which is the amplitude of the output you are viewing aproximattively

how you calculated in db and why output is in RMS??

- - - Updated - - -

In the right circuit i have calculated the transfer function.

Vo(s)/Vi(S) = R/ (R+1/Cs)
so, R=1K

Vo(s)/Vi(s) = s*3.3*10^-3 /(3.3*10^-3s + 1)

how to move further to get bode plot

how to drawn the frequency response and bode plot of it?
There are comments about using Google in your previous posts, may I also suggest for your favourite list?

You have drawn the circuit in LTspice, why not switch to AC analysis and watch it's bode plot?

How to get RMS value in LT spice.
Did you ever try <strg>left mouse click in the wave window?

some time new term create problem i have not studied for few year after engineering.

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