i find C18 MPLAB with MPLAB IDE 8.89 perfect for PIC18F familly .. because free of charge and usefull librairy existing..
but not concern with PIC12F or PIC16F..
so i am using MikroC , free version up to 2K programm for PIC12F , very good libraries.
Problem is for PIC16F and program upper 2K size ..you must buy a licence 250$ !! to enjoy it without limitations.
New environnement MPLABX is a "vrai usine à gaz" , very complicated compare to MikroC
I try MPLAB X , witch can cover all 8bits PIC 10F,12F,16F,18F but need to much effort to understand
use a lot of ressorces and files , compare to the others ( it's my own opinion) .
The more easy is MikroC , and cover all PIC 12F 16F and 18F familly...
You can include inside the code, some link on documents, datasheet, images, drawings ...
so you get at least, a very good documented source of program., means easy to maintain and modifie.
The CON'S is , if you use librairies as object , you don't have control of all the details.. except if you look inside the code (ASM) of
the librayrie.
... but pay for it to enjoy.