What is the difference between MPLAB and MikroC?

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Sep 12, 2012
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What is the advantage of one over other..
which 1 is more reliable and preferred?


i find C18 MPLAB with MPLAB IDE 8.89 perfect for PIC18F familly .. because free of charge and usefull librairy existing..
but not concern with PIC12F or PIC16F..

so i am using MikroC , free version up to 2K programm for PIC12F , very good libraries.
Problem is for PIC16F and program upper 2K size ..you must buy a licence 250$ !! to enjoy it without limitations.

New environnement MPLABX is a "vrai usine à gaz" , very complicated compare to MikroC
I try MPLAB X , witch can cover all 8bits PIC 10F,12F,16F,18F but need to much effort to understand
use a lot of ressorces and files , compare to the others ( it's my own opinion) .

The more easy is MikroC , and cover all PIC 12F 16F and 18F familly...
You can include inside the code, some link on documents, datasheet, images, drawings ...
so you get at least, a very good documented source of program., means easy to maintain and modifie.
The CON'S is , if you use librairies as object , you don't have control of all the details.. except if you look inside the code (ASM) of
the librayrie.

... but pay for it to enjoy.

MPLAB is an IDE and not a Compiler. mikroC is a Compiler. You can use C18, C30, C32, XC8, XC16, XC32, Hi Tech C for PIC16, PIC 18, PIC24 and dsPIC, and PIC32, CCS C Compilers with MPLAB or MPLABX IDE.
With mikroC or any mikroE Compiler you get many libraries. You also get libraries for other compilers. With other compilers you can see the code inside the library files but not with mikroE Compilers library.

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