Whenever you need to process signals, be it audio/image/video or other signals in real-time you need a DSP for that, especially if you're doing on an OS hosted platform where you can use DSP like a peripheral device. BeagleBoard xM is one example where it has a C6700 (I guess?) DSP as a co-processor along with the ARM9 core. Another one is the Snapdragon processors manufactured by Qualcomm, they have QDSP6 V5 as a co-processor hardware that does all tasks like audio processing, streaming, image processing like face recognition pattern recognition, eye/head tracking, etc...
Also, there are specialized FPGA chips meant for specifically implementing DSP flavored algorithms. DSP are used in Base Transreciever Stations (BTS) of GSM, they are used in smartphones for face/smile/gesture recognition, eye/head/gaze tracking and in Industries for controlling large machines, in automobiles for control systems of body/steering.
Now you get an idea of the spectrum where a DSP can prove to be useful