What is the difference between ASSP and ASIC?

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Mar 28, 2002
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Who can describe the differences betweem ASSP and ASIC. And I want to know if the development process for ASIC and ASSP are different.

what is an assp

ASSP: "standard" product, such as DRAM, VRAM(Video DRAM), SGRAM(Graphic DRAM), 8051, .... etc. It is "standard" product but still "application-specific".
So from my point of view, an ASIC can be an ASSP.

Example: 8051=>ASSP ("standard" product)
8051-Embedded USB keyboard/mouse controller => ASIC

SRAM => ASSP ("standard" product)
9-bit Synchronous FIFO => ASIC
ASSP (https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci555538,00.html)

In computers, an ASSP (application-specific standard product) is a semiconductor device integrated circuit (IC) product that is dedicated to a specific application market and sold to more than one user (and thus, "standard"). The ASSP is marketed to multiple customers just as a general-purpose product is, but to a smaller number of customers since it is for a specific application. Like an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit), the ASSP is for a special application, but it is sold to any number of companies. (An ASIC is designed and built to order for a specific company.)

An ASSP generally offers the same performance characteristics and has the same die size as an ASIC. According to a Dataquest study, 17% of all semiconductor products sold in 1999 were ASSPs; 83% were general-purpose. According to Dataquest's Jim Walker, the trend is toward more application-specific products.

what is an assp?

joe2moon excellent described an ASSP.

Doing an ASSP instead an ASIC is only due to marketing purposes.
If many customers find this 'product' usefull, than an ASSP will be designed and maybe is available before a customer request

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