What is the chip marked IM340B B75558R 0810X?

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Jun 28, 2007
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I have a chip which is labelled as


I have spent sometime trying to find the datasheet but no success. Any ideas?

Many thanks


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epson ink chip datasheet

number of pins, package type.

eeprom im340b

I have a small PCB mounted with this chip, a few resistors/capacitors and a header. Its an 8-pin SOIC package. I have attached the circuit diagram.
This chip is an EEPROM (SPI probably) because in the past I had PCB with AT25020 which I used to program. I dont know to which hardware these PCBs are interfaced with.

im340b chip

from the jpg file and and part show some thing like tone decoder chip 567 for more detial check it data sheet can you upload the board photo graph for more detial


95020 chip

Thanks for your reply. It definitely is an eeprom because when I connect it with an eeprom programmer(doing same connections as for AT25020) only 1st 8 bytes get programmed and the rest unchanged. Still chip pins are not making good sense to me from the schematic
Shoaib Ali

at25020 eprom programmer

Hello, i have found the same chip: IM340B / B74299 / 0802X
It's on an ink cartridge. It has replaced a ST 95020 serial EEPROM, so I assume it's similar, but the pin connections are different. I assume the header connections are like this:
H1: Vcc, H2: Vss H3: CS, H4: Clock, H5: Data Input, H6: Data Output
I can read/program only the first byte with a programmer.

im340b+data sheet

Yes you are right. I am able to read from the chip successfully and reliably. Sometimes I am able to partial right teh chip and very very few times I was able to write the whole chip successfully but this is totally random. The chip behaviour is very deviant from the standard SPI EEProm chips like 95020. Most likely it has something to do with chip pins 1 & 2

Added after 2 minutes:

I am trying to develop a programmer for this chip actually

im340b cartridge

If this is the EEPROM from an Epson Ink cartridge then the following link may be useful. There freeware software can reprogram the Epson devices.


567 decoder chip

From the pin information I think it could be a uController. The device generates its own capacitor/resistor clock. Furthermore the device is available but only in limited quantities. Suppliers are either not willing or unable to devulge the source.
Should it be a ucontroller, it may be limiting the number of writes to the memory array. I have also noticed some cells (0x00 thru 0x05) are writable for longer that other cells.
I beleive it to be a propriety device, developed for the application it is used in.
A standard programmer may not be able to successfully write to this device after it has been locked.

Re: im340b+data sheet

hi all
I am from Turkey
İs any one able to read this chip can help me with the schematic

Added after 11 minutes:

Hi shoaibali
could you be able to read or program IM340B
Actually I need help for this chip also

Re: What is this Chip?


Shoalibali, did you succeed in developping your programmer?
I'm interested! Let's discuss.


Re: What is this Chip?


Shoalibali, did you succeed in developping your programmer?
I'm interested! Let's discuss.


I had made compatible chip for IM340B.and can copy program of any use the chip.


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