What is the body effect ?

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Re: body effect

vt depends on the body bias. change of vt by body bias is the body effect. normally we connect n-mos body to gnd and p-mos body to supply making vsb zero. if you have many nmos devices in series as in nand gate, the body of the device which is close to gnd is at 0V and other devices' body bias will 0v(gnd)+delta v
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body effect

How can u tie p-mos body to supply making vsb zero..........

U will tie source to Vdd and Drain to Substrate right?? bcz PMOS is operated in Common source mode ....
so how Vsb becomes 0 for pmos can u explain me thiis plz?????????

In ur view body means substrate right?? Vsb is source to substrate voltage right?
can u explain me

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