I have every now and then bought components and materials from eBay. Typically I have not bought too "difficult" parts, but passive components, discrete semiconductors, some connectors and similar. The parts have been so far of descent quality.
In many cases either with free or quite reasonable shipping cost. Maybe the largest problem is delivery time, which can vary a lot, anything from one week to six, usually 3-4. Most cases the seller has been in China, Hong Kong, or Thailand. They seem to have quite reasonable shipping costs.
Importing small padded envelopes with moderate quantities of cheap electronics components has never caused any issues with customs in Finland, where I live. They arrive to my mailbox, no paperwork or fees. For hobby and prototyping an OK solution.
I don't know how the customs processing of small parcels is in Egypt - if it is a hassle, or as easy as importing to Finland. That way, I believe, you can get some of the materials quite easily and to low cost. However, finding a local component dealer is often the best solution. I'm sure there are at least a few in Egypt. Try Google with relevant keywords (in Arabic, likely).