what is the Best CNC PCB machine ?

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Jul 10, 2011
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HI all ,

first off all I do all my prototype PCB by chemical process, Now I want to move on to more advance pcb milling machine , I see two company now but I still want others experience ,
the specification of the milling machine it should with good speed , double layer , mount components, good quality output PCB , mini trace thickness is 4 mile and hole drilling .

1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWi9GUzY1fY

2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHYPOHsFY5Q

3- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhH05jNyjCk

please share your experience with me .. the machine I will buy will stay with the next 7 years , the cost is not imortant I have good budget for it ,

thanks in advance ,​


Assume you know the price of the laser devices ?

Trouble is you do not really define your current and future needs very well; basic things like board size, volume / quantity per day, etc etc

At seemingly $75,000 a pop over 7 years that $10,000 year for bare prototype boards without tinning, plating though, coatings or silks etc etc.

That does not seem economic to me, surely a local pcb manufacturer would give you a complete pcb at a good price and turnaround to a regular trade customer.

thanks you for replay .
but $75000:shock::shock::shock::shock: , I don't plan to go there , my budget is between $5000-$20000 , yes I already make my pcb by some manufacture in china and it cheap , but as the prototype test . it good to have good cnc machine ,
also did you see the first motor cnc machine , the first link in youtube . (the cirqoid machine )

it cost (full set) around $2750 , what is your advice about it.

thanks in advance


Have never used a cnc for pcb work, though know others who have tried cheap cnc devices with generally poor results though good for hole drilling if doing volumes.
However for smd thats not such a problem.

Would personally stick to photo / etching rather than try a cnc.

Have you looked at small scale pcb bubble etch tank for just a few hundred $

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